Razer Diamondback 3G
Auf Basis der vielfach ausgezeichneten „Diamondback“ präsentiert die bekannte eSport-Factory Razer die „Diamondback 3G“, welche, wie der Name schon sagt, mit der
Von Christoph Miklos am 19.11.2007 - 16:37 Uhr





Anfang November 2007




Media (18)


Auf Basis der vielfach ausgezeichneten „Diamondback“ präsentiert die bekannte eSport-Factory Razer die „Diamondback 3G“, welche, wie der Name schon sagt, mit der neuartigen 3G-Sensortechnologie ausgestattet ist. Im "ESReality's MouseScore 2007" (weltweit erster unabhängiger Mouse Benchmark Test) konnte sich der 3G-Sensor an die Spitze katapultieren, doch wie schlägt sich der Nager in unserem Testcenter?
„Razer collaborates with gamers to develop, manufacture and market cutting-edge gaming peripherals utilizing proprietary technologies that give gamers the competitive edge. We reinvented the computer gaming industry by bringing this competitive edge to gamers when professional computer gaming was in its infancy. In the mid 90s, with the advent of networked gaming and competitive first-person-shooter (FPS) games, gamers found that their legacy peripherals were inhibiting rather than enhancing their gameplay.
In 1999, the Razer Boomslang™, the stuff of gaming legends, was launched after much research. Featuring an unprecedented precision of up to 2000 dpi when other mice maxed out at 400 dpi, the Razer Boomslang, powered by proprietary opto-mechanical technology, offered up to five times the accuracy of other gaming mice. It came as no surprise when professional gamers widewide such as Jonathon “Fatal1ty” Wendell and Sujoy Roy readily adopted the Razer Boomslang as their gaming mouse of choice. In just two years, more than 100,000 Razer Boomslangs were sold by Christmas.“

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