Valve hat ein neues Update für den Puzzle-Shooter Portal 2 veröffentlicht.
Der Patch behebt zahlreiche Fehler und beseitigt Probleme mit Abstürzen des Spiels in verschiedenen Situationen.
Patch-Notes: • Fixed: Occasional crash after Alt-Tab/minimizing or running in a window on certain graphics hardware.
• Fixed: Crashes and/or graphical glitches after changing video settings without exiting game
• Fixed: Player stuck at the beginning of Chapter 6
• Fixed: Crash attempting to use other weapons (e.g. mods) with Portal 2
• Fixed: Mouse cursor doesn’t highlight UI elements in game on Mac OSX
• Fixed: Numerous localization bugs and improvements (also added Czech and Turkish localized text)
• Fixed: Overflow bug in keyvalues
• Fixed: Voice functionality regression (voice again enabled by default)
• Fixed: Joystick now defaults to off in order to avoid issues with non-joystick hardware that registers itself as a joystick
• Fixed: French sentences are not wrapping correctly in subtitles and commentary
• Improved: Handling of Mac OSX crashes
• Improved: Updates and bug fixes to Robot Enrichment
• Improved: Reliability on unsupported Intel Mobile Series 4 Express chipsets
• Removed: Unsupported console commands (“retry”, “switch_teams”) that caused problems if used
Christoph Miklos ist nicht nur der „Papa“ von Game-/Hardwarezoom, sondern seit 1998 Technik- und Spiele-Journalist. In seiner Freizeit liest er DC-Comics (BATMAN!), spielt leidenschaftlich gerne World of Warcraft und schaut gerne Star Trek Serien.
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