Vorwort Mit der Enyo präsentiert Speicherspezialist OCZ eine sehr interessante Speicherlösung für High-End-Anwender: Der USB-3.0-Anschluss führt per Kabel zu einer externen SSD, die neue Geschwindigkeitsdimensionen verspricht. Die Enyo gibt es mit Kapazitäten von derzeit 64 bis 256 GB. Wir haben das 128GB-Modell auf den Prüfstand geschickt.
Über OCZ Technology
„Founded in 2002, San Jose, California-based OCZ Technology Group, Inc. has built on its expertise in high-speed memory to become a dominant player in the manufacturing and distribution of solid state drives (SSDs), a disruptive, game-changing technology that is replacing traditional rotating magnetic hard disk drives (HDDs). SSDs are faster, more reliable, run cooler, and use significantly less power than the HDDs used in the majority of computers today. In addition to SSD technology, OCZ also offers high performance components for computing devices and systems, including enterprise class power management products as well leading edge computer gaming solutions.“
1 Kommentar
Ashlee vor 4603 Tagen
Well macdaamia nuts, how about that.
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