“Stars have always been important to every culture or ideology. In many regions they were also identified with gods, spirits, mysticism and priests by their people. Stars have been used in religious practices but even for navigation for hundreds of years. Many stars and even our sun have their own myths and the most prominent stars were also given powerful names. In some cultures stars were thought to be the souls of dead kings and gods.
Just like many prominent stars, our products have their own myths, characteristics and capabilities. This is why we give our products names after the most prominent stars and this is why stars are important to our culture and ideology.”
Datenblatt • Maße: 444 x 44 x 206 mm (BxHxT)
• Gewicht: 1,56 kg
• Farbe: Schwarz
• Tasten: Black Cherry MX (mechanisch)
Auslösedruck: 60 g
Auslösehöhe: 2 mm (4 mm bis zum Boden)
Tastenkontaktstelle: 18k vergoldet
• Layout: Deutsch
Multimedia Doppelbelegung der F-Tasten
• Grüne Beleuchtung mit 9 Modi:
Gesamte Tastatur in 4 Helligkeitsstufen
Nur WASD-Block in 4 Helligkeitsstufen
Gesamt Beleuchtung aus
• Kabel:
2x USB 2.0 (vergoldet)
2x Audio (vergoldet)
Kabellänge: 1,55 m
• I/O-Panel:
2x USB 2.0
2x Audio (In / Out)
• Abnehmbare Handballenauflage
• Kompatibilität: Windows
Testsystem Ultraforce WOW II Edition • Mainboard: Gigabyte GA-Z68X-UD7-B3 (neues Testmainboard!)
• Prozessor: Intel Core i5 2500K @ 4,4 GHz
• Grafikkarte: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580
• Prozessorkühler: Xigmatek Balder SD1283
• Netzteil: Cooler Master GX750
• Soundkarte: Onboard
• Festplatten: 1000 GB WD S-ATA III Festplatte, 7200 U/min
• Gehäuse: Cooler Master HAF 942-X
• Laufwerke: Samsung 22x DVD Brenner
• Betriebssystem: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-Bit (im Lieferumfang enthalten)
• Zimmertemperatur: ca. 21°C
• Garantiezeit: 5 Jahr Vor-Ort
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