Fortnite: Neuer Patch 1.9.1 für Battle Royale
Fortnite: Battle Royale bekommt im Rahmen des Patches V.1.9.1 für das Hauptspiel Fortnite heute ebenfalls ein Update.
Von Christoph Miklos am 29.11.2017 - 18:29 Uhr - Quelle: E-Mail



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Epic Games


Epic Games


25.07 2017









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Fortnite: Battle Royale bekommt im Rahmen des Patches V.1.9.1 für das Hauptspiel Fortnite heute ebenfalls ein Update.
So finden neue Rauchgranaten ihren Weg auf die Schlachtfelder des Last-Man-Standing-Shooters. Die nicht-tödlichen Wurfgeschosse können in allen Behältern des Spiels spawnen und stoßen nach dem Wurf weißen Rauch aus, der die Sicht vernebelt.
GAMEPLAY • Per Playlist Loot • Duo Playlist: Medium Ammo stack increased from 10 to14.Squad Playlist: Medium Ammo stack increased from 10 to 18.These changes now apply to medium ammo stacks that are found outside of crates and ammo cans. • The original Rocket Launcher has replaced the Pumpkin Launcher. • Due to overwhelming popular demand, we have modified the normal Rocket Launcher to support rocket riding. • The "Outlive" Daily Challenge will no longer count members of your own team. Bug Fixes • Players no longer take fall damage when jumping onto a Launch Pad from high elevations. • Fixed an issue which caused the incorrect animation to play when bouncing on consecutive Launch Pads. • Fixed the firing and reloading animations for the new Silenced SMG. • Fixed an issue which caused players to take fall damage when getting knocked out of skydive mode (after using a Launch Pad). • Fixed an incorrect animation that would play when being eliminated while using a Launch Pad.
UI • Players will now receive a pop-up confirmation before leaving a match if they accept an invite from a teammate that left the same match. • Updated "Gamepad" to "Wireless Controller" and "Controller" in the menus. • Daily challenges no longer automatically collect when accepting an invite. Bug Fixes • Fixed a few localization issues in the Season Shop. • Rich presence is now properly localized in all languages on all platforms. • Changing an item in your locker while servers are down will no longer soft-lock the game client. • Fixed an issue which prevented players from navigating the locker tab after they canceled a submenu.
WORLD • Environmental bush locations have been changed across the world. • Bushes will no longer be in different locations on different platforms.
PERFORMANCE • Reduced hitching by pre-loading additional assets during the loading screen instead of mid-game.
ONLINE • The "Invite" button on the "Party Finder" may only be pressed once per 2 seconds to prevent accidental friend invite spam.
Christoph Miklos ist nicht nur der „Papa“ von Game-/Hardwarezoom, sondern seit 1998 Technik- und Spiele-Journalist. In seiner Freizeit liest er DC-Comics (BATMAN <3), spielt leidenschaftlich gerne World of Warcraft und schaut gerne alte Star Trek Serien.

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